06 January 2015

Compressibility and intelligence creation

There are some theoretical ways to create a human-like intelligence with self-awareness:
  • by evolution
  • by chance
  • by creation
  • by laws
We can divide these categories into two groups. Both the creation by evolution and creation by chance is based on probabilities. The so-called Boltzmann-brains belongs to the latter group and it means the rise of a thinking being from chaos via random fluctuations. Evolutionary intelligence creation works within a phase-space of possibilities. Although intelligence emerged on Earth, almost all races live without it. It seems to be reasonable to believe that intelligence by evolution is only a possibility, not a necessity (although according to De Duve, “chance does not exclude inevitability.” He uses the analogy of lottery: it is improbable to win in a single drawing, but a hundred million attempt is more than enough [Origin and evolution of life. In: Universe or Multiverse? Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007, p 7.]. Let’s notice how this argumentation is similar to the multiverse argument which was mentioned in a previous post).
At this point it is worth to introduce the notion “compressibility”. In computing, a random string is not compressible, since there is no an opportunity to know the number at the nth place without viewing it. But if you have a simple algorithm to generate every elements of a sequence, then this sequence is compressible. Similarly, if you have to take a lot of steps before an intelligence emerges, then it is a not too compressible (or at least well compressible) process. Evolution seems to be very slow and sluggish: after the formation of our planet, we had to wait for billion years for the first thinking creature.
To create intelligence by pure chance is even more time-consuming: you have to wait even for an infinitely long time for the manifestation of a Boltzmann-brain.
The other two kinds of intelligence creation are different in the sense that chance doesn’t play a role in them – unless we suppose that a World Creator’s decision (“to create or not to create”) depends on chance, probability or anything else. But if a Creator is omnipotent, and there is no a power or law to influence him or her, then the act of creation can be even immediate. The “compressibility” of this process is very high: a simple decision leads to the formation of a whole World. Obviously, that Creator could decide to spin out the process for a very long time, but the result even in this case is a consequence a single decision.
Interestingly, a law driven creation in some respects is similar to an omnipotent entity’s activity. In the case of creation by evolution it can be questionable whether a thinking brain would be produced in a few step (instead of billions of changes). But it seems to be at least imaginable a law which prescribes the whole process step by step.
So both creating intelligence by Creator and by law result very compressible process – opposite to the creation either by evolution or chance. We can wonder if nature prefers laborious solutions or simply likes to hold back information. After all, I agree with King Alfonso X of Castile who said: "had I been present at the Creation, I would have given some useful hints for the better ordering of the universe".

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